Thursday, December 18, 2014

1)How much homework should students be assigned at the grade school level? Middle school level? HIgh school level? Explain your answers. As grade increases so should the amount of homework up until high school where many kids have to also maintain jobs. 2)What kind of homework assignments, if any, do you think are most worthwhile? Explain. ones that specifically reinforce the teachers learning. 3)Should teachers consider other activities their students are involved in (sports, work, church) when assigning homework? Why or why not? yes because a student have other responsibilities. 1)Why were the Common Core Standards developed? to map out a developmental structure for students to follow and maximize learning. 2(Why are critics opposed to the Common Core Standards? its too structured. 3)What are the potential benefits of having national standards for Language Arts and Math? to help develop important skills at a early age. 1)How can the use of cell phones contribute to dating violence and harassment?the harrasement follows you. Why do some girls stay in abusive relationships? they feel they are in love or they are afraid to leave. What can be done to educate teens and their parents about the warning signs of dating violence? teach and educate Do you think the prevalence of sexual content in the media contributes to dating violence? Why or why not? yes the media is viewed by everyone and is responsible for alot of influence. Should pharmaceutical companies test experimental AIDS drugs on pregnant women and their unborn children? no its unethical. How should pharmaceutical companies balance testing experimental AIDS drugs with the research subject’s well-being? dont use a high population. Why are so many AIDS trials being conducted in developing nations? becauyse the population that has aids is increasing Is it ethical to give a placebo to a pregnant research subjects with AIDS when there are treatments that can reduce the rate of transmission to the unborn child?

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